Total HomeFX PLUS Digital Projector Decorating Kit, HDMI Capable

total homefx plus projector

Total HomeFX PLUS Digital Projector Decorating Kit is perfect for projector related stuffs. Because it has a single 3.5 inch LCD panel for projection. Also, it comes with pre-loaded holiday and seasonal movies that include Halloween, Christmas and celebration videos.

Further, Total HomeFX PLUS Digital Projector Decorating Kit has 86.5 inch diagonal (measuring 4 feet by 6 feet) translucent projection screen so that you can easily project on windows. It also includes flex tri-pod stand as well.

This HomeFX Plus decorating kit has integrated speakers with 2W*2 stereo output. You can use your preferred streaming media devices including Roku, Google Chromecast, Amazon Fire TV Stick or you can connect with your mobile phones and console using the HDMI interface. Read more…

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