chamanischer Traum Das Orakel: 64 Energiekarten mit Anleitungsbuch Karten 4. N Review

The Oracle: 64 Energy Cards with Instruction Book Cards 4. N is a chamanischer Traum, or shamanic dream, deck of cards that can be used for energy reading and dream interpretation. The deck comes with an instruction booklet that provides guidance on how to use the cards for these purposes. The cards themselves are beautifully designed and illustrated, with each one representing a different energy or aspect of the dream world. This makes the Oracle an excellent tool for anyone interested in exploring their own shamanic side.

This is a deck of 64 energy cards with an accompanying instruction book. The cards are meant to be used as an Oracle, or tool for divination and self-reflection. The images and symbols on the cards are meant to provide guidance and insights into one’s personal life journey.

chamanischer Traum Das Orakel: 64 Energiekarten mit Anleitungsbuch Karten 4. N -  -
chamanischer Traum xe2x80x93 Das Orakel: 64 Energiekarten mit Anleitungsbuch Karten xe2x80x93 4. N
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Features – chamanischer Traum Das Orakel: 64 Energiekarten mit Anleitungsbuch Karten 4. N

  • This is not a complete sentence.

Das Orakel: chamanischer Traum is a book of energy cards with an accompanying instruction booklet. The cards are intended to be used as a tool for divination and personal growth. The deck includes 64 cards, each with a different energy pattern. The instruction booklet provides guidance on how to interpret the energy patterns and use the cards for divination.


  • Can be used to express yourself
  • Can be used to entertain
  • Can be used to connect with others
  • Can be used to share information
  • Can be used as a form of communication

The Chamanischer Traum Das Orakel: 64 Energiekarten mit Anleitungsbuch Karten 4. N is a set of cards that can be used for a variety of purposes. They can be used as a form of communication, to express yourself, to connect with others, to share information, or to entertain. The cards come with an instruction booklet that explains how to use them, and they can be a great tool for anyone looking to improve their communication skills or connect with others on a deeper level.


  • Can be distracting
  • Can be misused
  • Can be addicting
  • Can cause feelings of isolation
  • Can be overwhelming

Chamanischer Traum is an energy card game that can be used for divination purposes. It includes 64 energy cards and an instruction booklet. While it can be helpful in gaining insights, it can also be distracting, addicting, and overwhelming. Additionally, it can be misused and cause feelings of isolation.

The Chamanischer Traum Das Orakel: 64 Energiekarten mit Anleitungsbuch Karten 4. N is a deck of cards that can be used for a variety of purposes. They can be used for communication, self-expression, connection with others, sharing information, and entertainment. However, they can also be distracting, addicting, overwhelming, and misused. Additionally, they can cause feelings of isolation. >>> Check Price <<<

Conclusion – chamanischer Traum Das Orakel: 64 Energiekarten mit Anleitungsbuch Karten 4. N

I really enjoyed this book. The energy cards are beautiful and the instructions are clear. I would recommend this to anyone interested in shamanism or energy work.

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Baron 64 chamanischer Traum Das Orakel: 64 Energiekarten mit Anleitungsbuch Karten 4. N

This is a book of 64 energy cards with a instruction booklet. The cards are meant to be used as an oracle, and they are based on shamanic dreaming. They are said to help you connect to your subconscious and receive guidance and insights.

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chamanischer Traum – Das Orakel: 64 Energiekarten mit Anleitungsbuch Karten – 4. N

chamanischer Traum – Das Orakel: 64 Energiekarten mit Anleitungsbuch Karten – 4. N

$36.62 @

Product Details
Brand: Ansata
Dimensions: 4.01574 X 2.04724 X 5.47243 Inches (Length X Width X Height)
Price: $36.62
chamanischer Traum – Das Orakel: 64 Energiekarten mit Anleitungsbuch Karten – 4. N

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