Klipsch Black Reference Theater Pack 5.1 Surround Sound System

Klipsch Black Reference Theater Pack 5.1 Surround Sound System

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The Klipsch Black Reference Theater Pack 5.1 Surround Sound System sounds like a great option for smaller spaces, especially for those who already have a receiver. Here’s why this reviewer loved it:

Perfect for small spaces and sounds great: This reviewer previously owned Klipsch floor speakers, but they were simply too big for their current space. That’s where the Klipsch Black Reference Theater Pack came in. The reviewer was impressed by the system’s sound quality, especially considering the size of the speakers. They fit perfectly in the reviewer’s space without sacrificing sound quality.

Great companion to an existing receiver: This reviewer already had an Onkyo receiver, and the Klipsch speaker system worked perfectly with it. This is a good point to consider if you’re looking to upgrade your surround sound speakers but already have a receiver you like. Read more…

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